

Learn all about me! Crystal Ware.
  1. When I was 7, I wanted to be the President. Not a ballerina, not a nurse, the President. I went hard, straight from the womb.
  2. I get hangry so I always carry snacks. You will not catch me on a plane without a bag full of snacks. If we get stuck on the tarmac, I will be full and everyone will be jealous, or make friends. Win-win.
  3. My favorite color is red and has been since I was in high school. Before that, it was pink, or by another name “a red derivative”.
  4. I graduated undergrad in 3.5 years. Why I gave away a free semester to relax before adulthood started, I have no idea, other than I wanted to start making it.
  5. I have planted my feet on 4 continents and been to 17 countries, plus Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
  6. My parents are high school sweethearts, my brother- and sister-in-law are high school sweethearts, and my in-laws were college sweethearts.
  7. I had my first real job at 14 and have basically been working ever since.
  8. I still sleep with the special blanket my grandmother made for me before I was born. When we did those exercises of “what would you take if your home was burning down” it was always my yellow blanket!
  9. I love craft beer. 
  10. If I owned a vacation home outside of the US, it would be in Ireland. There are not many people that are as friendly as Texans, but boy, those Irish are welcoming!
  11. My favorite foods are a toss up between Kolaches (holler at me if you know what this is) and pizza.
  12. I love coffee even more than craft beer. I don’t qualify as a coffee snob, so don’t ask technical questions, but you will find me sipping coffee half the day.
  13. When I went to law school, I didn’t have huge dreams of being a massively successful lawyer (although I was confident I could be). I went to law school so I could help people.
  14. I made the decision to switch careers and give insurance a shot while I was sitting at the airport waiting to board a flight to Asia.
  15. I am beyond thankful for my mom and dad (along with my grandmother) who told me I could be anything I wanted to be and supported my dreams and most of my crazy ideas for adventure.
  16. Working in insurance turned out to be a great career path and offered me so many opportunities. I am beyond thankful that I made that choice.
  17. I have always loved getting dressed up. I think the way we dress impacts how many of us view ourselves. If that’s not you, great, but I think slipping into a suit helps me step into my power.
  18. I was such an awesome babysitter that I was offered a travel job and a live-in with a family for one summer when I was 17. My parents said NO WAY.
  19. I believe in “you don’t ask, you don’t get.” That doesn’t mean I am immune to NO. Sometimes it still stings, but the opportunity of a yes is worth the risk of no.
  20. I have a lot of aunts and uncles and love having big family gatherings.
  21. One of my superpowers is efficiency. I like to get things done: done right, done tight, and done as quick as possible so we can move onto the next task.
  22. I don’t really believe in regret. Worrying about the past is just a waste of time. But one of my few regrets is not studying abroad.
  23. When I was 11, I wrote a novel. It was in my spiral notebook and I went over it with my 6th grade English teacher. We both loved it. Then I lost the notebook. I am still waiting to be a published author. Maybe a 2024 goal?!
  24. I was lucky enough to enjoy all of my grandparents until I was in my 30’s. They helped mold me into who I am.
  25. The most important thing in my life is my family. What is the point of life without sharing it with people you love?!


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